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05.07.2012 16:52
  Primera gira El proyecto de sitios turísticos y monumentos que fue ejecutado por quinto perito contador la cual se llamo corazón de mi guate en la cual la primera proyección del tema se llevo a cavo en el salón de clase, la cual se enfoco en el palacio nacional y de la catedral en...

culture of guatemala

16.05.2012 20:16

Sports of Guatemala

16.05.2012 19:38
Maya sports and games COBA BALL GAME. QUINTANA ROO To achieve the required precision and skill among the Maya archers must spend a lot of these, particularly the fact that boys' schools counted where they were educated young people in the arts and techniques of war. In practice no specific...

tourist sites in Guatemala

26.04.2012 23:24
        the site was to achieve elavorado conoser give what you can ofreser Guatemala in the field of tourism, which contains important information of the best there is in gutamala Lifesaving and cone departments if the large number of gastronomy, languages...

national and international news

26.04.2012 18:55
  Guatemala news aserca of all sports events, climate, culture, society.   News from around the numnd on sports, culture, and all you want world acontecimintos investigate.

art and music

26.04.2012 17:59
history music Traditional Music The music has roots in traditional Guatemalan Mayan culture, the elements evolved in the sixteenth century and became conducting a merger with Spanish and Afro-Caribbeans. A living example of this is the marimba representing the three cultures that are part of...

adrenaline tourism

26.04.2012 00:00
Tourism with adrenaline Guatemala is much more than the country of eternal spring and the cradle of Mayan civilization. It is a perfect destination for the adventure that defies nature. Its volcanoes, rivers, lakes, and caves are the setting for the tourist becomes the central character of the...
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